Circular Know-How Economy Africa-Europe



Circular Know-How Economy Africa-Europe: deglobalisation of manufacuring, globalisation know-how

  • A temporary job for a young, highly qualified African engineer, economist, agronomist, sociologist, ...
  • The temporary mobility Africa-Europe, for an exchange of entrepreneurial experiences, of African industrial SME's

A 9-12 month immersion in the practice of Western business practices, industrial technologies and social models

After their immersion in a globalised and competitive economy, African SMEs and young professionals 

  • will be able to permanently transfer to their country of origin modern, industrial processes and technologies
  • will be able to put at the service of their country of origin the economic, political and social knowledge they will have acquired during their stay in Europe;
  • they will understand that wealth creation based on the export of raw materials, trade and services, excluding manufacturing is not sustainable in the long term for African countries;
  • they will be well placed to help Africa innovate and regain control of its more diverse productive sector;
  • they will guarantee a calm and lasting return to sustained economic growth;
  • they will thus be guarantors of the generalization of a sustainable African economy by becoming economically more independent.

Contact: karel.uyttendaele at

Africa, a new growth economy

1.5 billion consumers! - Africa 2040: 25% of the world's labor force

Africa 2040: The demographic dividendSame educated population in their 'prime of life' as in China

Africa and the climate transition: a triple dividend

  • 37% of the global potentional for the production of green hydrogen
  • feedstock for a breakthrough in its labour intensive diversified industrialisation
  • important contributor to the realisation of the containment of global climate warming

Global potential of solar energy. Annual average of the total horizontal irradiation kWh/m²

Global potential for the production of green hydrogen at less than USD 1.5/kg (exajoules): Africa 37%Middle East 14%; North America 14%; Oceania 13%; Latin America 12%; Asia 9%; Europe 1%

African entrepreneur:

  • integrate you into global value chains?
  • seconding one of your young executives for several months immersion in a global EU company and advanced business processes and technologies?

Benefits for the temporary employer:

  • importation of new ideas into Western business by highly qualified people from a different culture;
  • new business partners;
  • new outlets for European products;
  • a fixed-term employment contract, qualified temporary work;
  • an ambassador for Western business in Africa.

Advantage for society:

  • better use and distribution of global wealth
  • rethink and improve Europe-Africa relations;
  • increase in general well-being;
  • make development aid redundant: you can help achieve this noble goal! Either as an entrepreneur, by hiring a highly qualified African collaborator for a year, or by sending this message to an entrepreneur you know.

Circular Economy of Africa-Europa Know-How

Four winners: The Individual - Africa - Europe - Stopping illegal immigration (Development cooperation 2.0).

Today we live in a society of global networks that make it easier for entrepreneurs to work together. These entrepreneurs who come from different cultures and continents, work together, trust each other, share their skills and thus create wealth "for all".

The old capitalist model is outdated. Visionary entrepreneurs work in a 'win-win' approach with complementary partners they trust and who come from all over the world. These partners create wealth and purchasing power in their respective environment, thus contributing to better living together and to general well-being. Together, they ensure the sustainability and / or the creation of a sustainable and comfortable society in the north as well as in the south, today and tomorrow for future generations.


The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) 

Everybody talks about it. As an entrepreneur, the question we ask ourselves is "how can we participate"? The 'Circular Migration' project provides the start of a sustainable solution and allows you to make a responsible and promising choice, the economic, political and social benefits of which will be directly perceivable and beneficial to everyone, in Europe, as in Africa.


The end of the 'curse' of African natural resources

The massive deployment of 'circular migration' will enable African intellectuals of the broad middle class to ensure that in Africa political leaders respecting Western values ​​of democracy come to power and put in place politically, economically and socially sustainable systems. The new democratic African leaders thus elected will ensure that the revenues from Africa's natural resources are redistributed to the entire population. Thus Africa will be freed from the curse ’of its natural resources and will thus be able to extricate itself from the swamp.

Breaking through internationally for European companies: Africa, source of new creativity and a stable growth economy.

In August 2010, Goldman Sachs (the acronym BRIC!) Asserted that several African countries could join the leading pack of emerging economies. “Africa is now one of the world’s fastest-growing regions”, added The Economist on January 10, 2011: after the financial crisis, the African economy is returning to growth faster than Europe. Africa in 2030 will be a market of 1.5 billion consumers. The highly skilled Africans of circular migration not only create sustainable growth in their home countries, but also bring new ideas to European businesses. Creativity springs from the meeting of different cultures.


Later, when they return to Africa, these African women and men will act as “ambassadors” for the Western private sector in Africa. Thus, they will have fulfilled the double task of liaison person: during their internship, they represented their country of origin and fed the Western company 'employer' with their knowledge and their know-how, back in their country, they bring new values ​​and European contacts and are the calling card of western companies.

They will respond to the need of quite a few European countries to have more locally established companies that are making a global breakthrough. Everyone is already active in the BRIC countries. The questions that arise for proactive entrepreneurs are: which growth market to enter? - and how to get into it? Circular migration gives you the answer.


The industrialization of Africa in two decades, without going through all the phases of industrial development, which - in the West - took two centuries

Message to entrepreneurs

Conquer a new growing market without any risk by participating in the "Circular economy" initiative of "Africa-Europe" know-how?

To do this, the initiative pre-selects for you talents for the creation of new markets by facilitating the mobility and temporary integration of young African professionals in Europe. In addition, it contributes to improving the image of the company, innovating, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as illegal migration. Better yet, it helps prevent conflicts and create opportunities

Contact: karel.uyttendaele { @ }