Multicrisis "Conflicts-Climate-Energy-African Demography". Opportunities for an ambitious policy.

Affordable African green hydrogen silences Putin

  • Green hydrogen prompts Europe to relocate its energy-intensive industries to Africa.
  • Allows Europe to turn off the Russian gas tap and silence Putin.
  • Makes possible the breakthrough of Africa's modern industrialisation. (*)
  • Encourages Europe to innovate in more sustainable and more recyclable manufacturing industries, to compensate for its loss of energy-intensive activities.
  • The Euro-African example motivates other continents to copy their relocation of energy-intensive industries.
  • End result: peace in Europe and a 25% reduction in global CO2 emissions. (**)

Global solar technical potential. Annual average of global horizontal irradiation kWh/m²


Technical potential for the production of green hydrogen at less than USD 1.5/kg (in exajoules): Africa 37%; Middle East 14%; North America 14%; Oceania 13%; Latin America 12%; Asia 9%; Europe 1% 

Africa is endowed with an abundance of renewable electricity and 37% of the world's potential for producing "cheap" green hydrogen. Africa is ideally placed to attract green and energy-intensive industries (iron, steel, cement, chemicals, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, ceramic materials, electronic waste recycling, ...)  

Can rich Western countries and China still afford to protect jobs in energy-intensive industries, the main emitters of CO2, while thanks to affordable green hydrogen, in Africa in the Sahara and Kalahari, the Inga Falls, the Aswan and Renaissance dams these basic products can be produced and transported without CO2 emissions?

Shouldn't the EU be prepared for the fact that, sooner rather than later, energy-intensive industries will move to regions where green hydrogen is cheapest? In the past, the EU has already been a victim of the closure of coal mines, non-maritime steel, the loss of the textile industry, clothing and national aviation prides, the closure of car assembly and consumer electronics, but has been able to overcome, thanks to innovation and the creation of new markets,  the loss of hundreds of thousands of "indispensable" jobs.

When relocating energy-intensive industries to Africa, European green wind and solar energy can be reserved for normal residential and industrial use and will turn off the Russian gas tap.

"Jobs and modernity" that is what Africa is concerned about. Industrial partnerships between African and European SMEs will accelerate Africa's industrialisation and the deployment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the world's largest free market. Consequence: the creation of twenty million decent jobs per year, stemming extreme ideologies, conflicts and forced migration


Albert Muchanga, AU Commissioner for Economic Development and Industry. ‘The key reform to be undertaken is the structural transformation of Africa, hankered on industrialisation. The value chain integration between Africa and Europe and increased exports of manufactured and agro-processed goods’. (EU-AU summit 16-18/2/2022)

Raychelle Omamo, Cabinet Secretary, Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ‘We realise in Africa that we don’t make enough, that we are not industrialised. Therefore, we need new partnerships that will fundamentally change Africa’s integration into the world market. Africa cannot be that continent that is simply there to produce raw materials for others’. (CSIS 28/1/2022)

(**) Blast furnaces are responsible for 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions. The DRI-EAF direct reduction technology, using hydrogen and renewable energies, could mark a revolution in the steel industry... (Economist)